8 Jan 2015

IOPE Air Cushion XP N23 Ice Beige Review

IOPE Air Cushion XP N23 Ice Beige Review
I got this from 11street-English. On August 2014 they held a vote to choose which the best BB cushion between IOPE and Verite. The lucky voters will get this cushion as a gift and I was one of them who lucky to try. I wondered what shade I'll get. I have a medium light skin with a yellow undertone and I don't want they sent me the wrong shade because most of the Korean BB cushions have very light colors. I don't want to look like a ghost. So I contacted the owner and they gave me shade N23 which match with my skin tone. 

If you don't know this brand, IOPE is one of the Amore Pasific brands which in the high end category as same as Laneige, Hera, etc. This cushion in booming when Cheon Song Yi (Jeon Ji Hyeon) wore it in "My Love From The Star". 

IOPE Air Cushion XP N23 Ice Beige
IOPE Air Cushion XP N23 Ice Beige

   IOPE Air Cushion XP SPF 50+/PA+++   
DESCRIPTION                 "Blocks UV rays and cover imperfections at the same time. Maintain a glowing skin with cuhioning sunblock"

- Moisturizes skin, giving it a healthy glow
- Improves the condition of the pores for flawless skin
- Reduces fine lines with additional active ingredients
- Long lasting without darkening side effects

30 g (15 x 2) / 1.05 OZ

MADE IN KOREA            

IOPE Air Cushion XP N23 Ice Beige
IOPE Air Cushion XP N23 Ice Beige

Natural, healthy & moisturizes skin         
   N21 Ice Vanilla
   N23 Ice Beige

Beautiful, glowing skin                            
   S22 Ice Shimmer Beige (contains coral powder)

Increased coverage for perfect skin           
   C21 Cover Vanilla
   C23 Cover Beige

It has liquidy texture and easy to blend.

It has fragrance but not too strong. I love the scent actually

IOPE Air Cushion XP N23 Ice Beige
IOPE Air Cushion XP N23 Ice Beige
IOPE Air Cushion XP N23 Ice Beige
The packaging is simple, elegant and has sparkle effect. Looks luxurious, I totally love it. The box's color is dark blue and silver with IOPE's logo and the name of the product. Most of the details are written in Hangul. I can read the brand and product's name, shade and where its made from only. 

IOPE Air Cushion XP N23 Ice Beige
It comes with a booklet about the product which is written in Hangul, Chinese, and English. 

IOPE Air Cushion XP N23 Ice Beige
It comes with a refill. You will get a new one with puff inside. So I don't have to worry if my original cushion is running out because it's so hard to find this cushion in Indonesia.

IOPE Air Cushion XP N23 Ice Beige
The production date is written on the back. It says July 21th, 2014 and will be expired 12 month after opened.

IOPE Air Cushion XP N23 Ice Beige
IOPE Air Cushion XP N23 Ice Beige
It's like ordinary BB cushion but seems elegant because of the silver color. 

IOPE Air Cushion XP N23 Ice Beige
IOPE Air Cushion XP N23 Ice Beige
The puff has white and blue colors. It's a little bit fade because I washed it for several times but still work well.

IOPE Air Cushion XP N23 Ice Beige
Here is when I took down the refill from the container. It has some slots to lock the refill 

IOPE Air Cushion XP N23 Ice Beige
Original lighting
IOPE Air Cushion XP N23 Ice Beige
With flash
IOPE Air Cushion XP N23 Ice Beige
It faded after 8 hours. My dark spots appeared and my nose seemed a little bit oily

- moisturizing
- give me a glowing skin
- long lasting
- has many cover levels shade 
- doesn't make a white cast
- match with my skin tone
- has an elegant packaging
- comes with a refill
- doesn't make me breakout
- has a high SPF. It's great for they who live in place that has 2 seasons like me
- gives me skin care at the same time
- has a nice fragrance

- doesn't really cover my dark spots. i still need concealer
- it's hard to find in Indonesia. You have to pre-order from other countries, especially Korea
- really expensive
- I think it doesn't really work for oily skin. dry skin is the best
- has only 2 shades, vanilla and beige in each type
- it's so hard to clean the air puff. 

It really gives me a healthy skin with natural glowing effects as it claimed. I don't recommend this for oily skin, you can see at my swatches photo. It faded, especially on my oily nose. If you don't mind with it, go for it. Or you can touch up with powder. This product is very great. It has many covering types and long lasting. But I think they should make darker shades. I can finish one refill in 3-4 months. If mine is empty, I will try the C23 shade.

What do you think about this product? What is your favorite BB cushion?
Thank you for reading and see you on next post ^^

23 komentar:

  1. aku suka banget ini untuk dipakai sehari-hari..
    tp krn harganya mahal aja makanya belum beli lg XD

    1. bener banget, cocok buat daily. mahal selalu jadi kendala yah :P
      thank for reading ce Rini ^^

  2. aaaaa
    aku pakai ini juga
    karena belum bnyk duit beli refillnya dan suka bangetn<3
    lucky banget ya dpt gratis hihiihhi :D

    1. iya lucky me. hehe
      kalo beli refillnya doang kayaknya lebih mahal yah ><
      Thank for reading Vina :)

  3. Aikh gak cocok buat oily skin payah dh :P. Tapi bb emang gak bagus buat coverage, ok buat daily soalnya ringan , tapi kalo harga segitu tekor juga yeee. .
    Btw, Main ke blog daku yooOoo :D


    1. Punya aku yang seri natural emang gampang bubar di bagian hidungku yang berminyak. Kalo yang seri coverage gatau lagi.. ^^
      Uyee nanti aku mampir.. Makasih uda mampir juga Rifka :D

  4. Yahhhh. padahal pengen bnget nyoba.... Tp kayaknya all the cons are me. Hiks.
    Thnks for the review dear...

    Salam kenal ya.
    Just followed your blog.
    Wana be friends??


    1. Coba aja dulu, siapa tahu cocok.. hihi

      Salam kenal juga dear..
      Just followed yours. Thank for visiting :)

  5. Thanks for linking up to the Monday Makeup Madness #7 link up party!

  6. mbak pake kamera apa? jernih hasilnya :D, makasih ^^

  7. wow.. packaging nya menggoda..
    sayangnya nggak cocok di kulit ku.. =(

    visit and followback my blog

    1. Eh? Kok ga cocok? Kulit kamu oily kah?
      Thank you for visiting ya Mei. I followed you back :)

  8. nice review... I wanna try iope cushion tp harganya lumayan ya ><
    anyway, mind to followbcak , kak?

    xoxo, Syarah


    1. Ya begitulah. tapi sebanding sama kualitasnya..
      udah di follback yah Sya ^^

  9. I have never seen a BB cushion before! What a great idea!

    1. BB Cushion is become popular these days. It's really handy too. Thank for visiting dear ^^

  10. Haven't seen BB cushions before. Looks like they give a nice even result.

    1. You should try BB Cushion. It's really great. You won't regret.

  11. These cushion type products are really starting to appear all over the place at the moment. I am really keen to give one of them a try!! Packaging is Lovely!

    1. The formula is great too. Try it dear :)
      Thank for stopping by ^^

  12. Ini salah satu wishlist aku dari jaman kapan. Salam kenal ya
    Just followed you. Would you mind to follow me back >.<?

    1. Semoga wishlistnya tercapai mbak Febi. Udah aku follow back. Salam kenal juga dan makasih sudah mampir yaa ^^


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